Monday, April 25, 2011

About Time..

I thought I knew
heaven when I spotted her,
I thought I knew
ecstasy as she spoke..

I thought she knew
my feelings as I laughed with her,
But she never knew
what she meant to me and more..

I thought it was
as obvious as it could be,
What more could she want
what more than me?!

How can i make her realise
that its never a perfect fit,
You've got to twist and turn
just a little bit..

I guess its time I tell her
that she's exquisite,
Its about time I took my chances
Or about time I quit..


  1. Vinod - Personally i'm glad you here ! Yes its about time , it's been more than a year now. There are things in life we dont understand completely,its best we remain apathetic towards it..!! Life is too good to let it pass by & its time you get on with it..

  2. Thanks Alex. I still remember your words from a year ago. :) Thanks for being there.
    I will not let life pass me by any more. :)

  3. I am following your blog! Amazing got to my heart :)
